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A New Democratic Youth: Citizen participation revitalized?

On 14th December 2017 at the meeting of the National Institute of Youth and Community Education (INJEP) in Paris, Céline Martin, University of Cergy-Pontoise, EMA, will present the first findings of PARTISPACE research, with a focus on public concerned and European perspectives from the comparative case study report of the research project.

Find out the whole programm (in French) and the abstract below:

Nowadays, there is a wide range of young people styles of participation in the city life. Many surveys on this topic are highlighting this issue in France. The last few years have been marked by a lot of changes concerning citizen practices, which is questioning again the relationship to politics and democracy. We are especially observing a significant increase of engagement in collective’s movements or associations.

Some new spaces of democracy, of exchanges and some initiatives strengthening participation of citizen are at the margin of traditional political parties, in the public space or on the internet

From a generational point of view, to what extent do young people have a specific relationship with democracy and politics? Who are those young people, what are their motivations? Are they innovating in a way of doing politics, what are these news forms of participation? What instruments are set up to develop and renew this citizen participation? Finally, are these experimental practices revitalizing democracy or, on the contrary, weakening it?

It is in this context that Céline Martin will present the first results of PARTISPACE. The statement will focus on the profiles of young people met in the case studies and on motivation of  young people to participate.

Partispace final conference in Paris, 18th April 2018

Youth Participation in Europe: Diversity, (Mis)Recognition and (In)visibility

the final conference meeting of the project took place on April 18th 2018 at the High School of Public health campus located in Paris.

In the presence of the European Commission (REA), European research stakeholders, policy makers and practitioners in the field of youth, this conference presented the final results of the research including implications for policy and practice.

Find out the programme for download here: Flyer_final meeting

Have a look at the conference report



Youth Rights Workshop in Eskişehir

On 9th-10th September 2017, The research team from the University of Yeditepe (Turkey) organized a workshop with the Youth Rights Association in Eskişehir with prominent names from youth work and youth participation field in Turkey: (in alphabetical order:  Burcu Oy, Evren Sener Ünal, Necmettin Yemiş, Nurdan Terzioğlu and Musa Çopur alongside with PARTISPACE researchers Demet Lüküslü and Berrin Osmanoğlu ).  After fruitful discussions on how to advocate youth rights and how to integrate the knowledge gained from PARTISPACE research on youth participation, the participants decided to design a “tool” based on the Council of Europe’s “Take a Step Further”.

PARTISPACE Project vists youth Atelier in Frankfurt

On 8th May 2017, in the frame of the 6th consortium meeting in Frankfurt, The PARTISPACE consortium visited the NaXoshalle Bornheim where Stefan Mohr – a social worker by the city of Frankfurt / Main – works with young people to create a constructive approach to deal with graffiti. A participative approach is used to work with young people, therefore projects are designed with young people together.

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6th Consortium meeting in Frankfurt, 8th-10th November 2017

From 8th to 10th November 2017, the 10 teams of the PARTISPACE project met at the Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany) for the 6th consortium meeting. Five months from the end of the project, partners were glad to receive Gudrun Quenzel, reviewer of PARTISPACE for a presentation of the progress in the research especially concerning the local case studies (work package 4), the action-research process (WP5) and the ongoing analysis phase (work package 6). Discussions included sharing about how to get an impact on policy-makers and practitioners, and how the results of the project will help policy makers and youth workers to increase youth participation?

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