On 10th November 2016, some of the PARTISPACE partners met members of the Manchester City Youth Council who were involved in the application of the City of Manchester to being the European Youth Capital 2019.
The European Youth Capital(EYC) is a title awarded to a European city for the period of one year, during which it is given the chance to showcase, through a multi-faceted programme, itsyouth-related cultural, social, political and economic life and development.
The EYC initiative encourages cities to both continue and expand the implementation of new ideas and innovative projects with regard to the active participation of young people in society, and seeks to present a role model for the further development of youth policies in other European municipalities.
Five cities have been shortlisted by an independent jury for the final stage the European Youth Capital (EYC) 2019 competition: Amiens (France), Derry City & Strabane (Northern Ireland), Manchester (United Kingdom), Novi Sad (Serbia), Perugia (Italy).
Finally, the European Youth Forum announced on 16th November 2016 that the European Youth Capital for 2019 is to be the city of Novi Sad, in Serbia.
Nevertehless, the PARTISPACE team congratulates the youth leaders. They can be very proud of what they achieved regardless of the results. We wish them all the best for their future initiatives in the field of youth participation!