Name | Alexandre Pais |
Affiliation | Researcher, Faculty of Education, Manchester Metropolitan University |
Profile | Alexandre Pais is a researcher at Faculty of Education, Manchester Metropolitan University, where he develops research, teaching and external funding activities in the area of education. He is interested in the application of philosophy and social theory to the analysis of the cultural, social and political problems presented by contemporary education. He has important publications in the field of mathematics education, and a teaching experience that spans from primary schools to higher education. He has been lecturing in several European and South American universities, and publishing with colleagues from different countries and in different languages. He has a significant network of international connections, and a strong interest in the development of national and international projects that bring together different perspectives on the impact of cultural diversity and urbanity both in formal and informal educational settings. |
Publications | Pais, A., & Mesquita, M. (2013). Ethnomathematics in non-formal educational settings: the Urban Boundaries project. Revista Latinoamericana de Etnomatemática, 6(3), pp. 134-144. Mesquita, M., Pais, A. & Francois, K. (2014). Communitarian mathematics education: walking into boundaries. Em Teia, 5(1), pp. 45–59. Straehler-Pohl, H., & Pais, A. (2014). Learning to fail and learning from failure: Ideology at work in a mathematics classroom. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 22(1), pp. 79–96. Pais, A. & Valero, P. (2014). Whither social theory? Educational Studies in Mathematics, 87, pp. 241–248. Pais, A. (2013). An ideology critique of the use-value of mathematics. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 84(1), 15–34. Pais, A. (2011). Criticisms and contradictions of ethnomathematics. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 76(2), pp. 209–230. Valero, P., & Pais, A. (2012). Mathematics education between utopia and reality: Examining research in contexts of conflict, poverty and violence. In A. Halai & D. Wiliam (Eds.), Research methodologies from the ‘South’ (pp.158–177). Karachi, Pakistan: Oxford University Press. |
Previous projects | Member of the project Urban Boundaries: The dynamic of cultural encounters in communitarian education (PTDC/CPE-CED/119695/2010), funded by Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal, affiliated with the European Research Council, from January 2011 to June 2014. Member of the project LEARN: Mathematics, technology and society (PTDC/CED/65800/2006), funded by Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal, affiliated with the European Research Council, from January 2006 to December 2008. |