Name | Annegret Wigger |
Affiliation | Dr. Phil. Diplompädagogin Researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Social Work FHS St.Gallen, University of Applied Sciences |
Profile | I have experiences with the topic of participation in the field of residential and foster care. There my interest was/is to reconstruct the perspective of children: in which topics and in which ways do they like to participate. What does it mean, when only grown-ups decide, in which situations children may participate. What means participation? On the other hand which meanings have structures, forms and rights for this topic. |
Publications | Annegret Wigger, Nikolina Stanic (2012) Kinder wirken mit. Ein Handbuch zur Unterstützung der Mitwirkungspraxis in der ausserfamiliären Betreuung. Bern Stämpfli Verlag Monika Götzö, Mandy Schöne, Annegret Wigger (2014) Spannungsfelder organiserter Lebensräume. Forschungsbeiträge zu Pflegefamiliensettings und Vergemeinschaftungsprozessen in stationären Einrichtungen. |
Previous projects | I was engaged in the EU-Project quality4children for several years. In this project we developed together with children and professionals guidelines to realize children’s rights. |