Name | Björn Andersson |
Affiliation | Associate professor and senior lecturer in Social Work at The Department of Social Work, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. |
Profile | Björn has worked a lot on youth issues and on social work with young people. He has done several evaluations of youth work projects, especially in community settings. Outreach work as a method to get in contact with young people, is a special interest. Björn has also written about young people’s movements and social interaction in urban public places. |
Publications | Andersson Björn (2014). How do detached youth workers spend their time? Considerations from a time study in Gothenburg, Sweden. Youth & Policy. No. 112 pp. 18-34. Andersson Björn (2013). Finding ways to the hard to reach – considerations on the content and concept of outreach work. European Journal of Social Work. 16 (2) pp. 171-186. Andersson Björn (2008). Rum för kreativitet, lärande och avkoppling. Mötesplatser för unga – aktörerna, vägvalen och politiken. (Room for creativity, learning and relaxation in Meeting places for the young – the actors, the crossroads and the policy), pp. 184-204. Stockholm: Ungdomsstyrelsen. Andersson Björn (2008). Förebyggande arbete i skolan. Utvärdering av ett samarbete mellan Mobilisering mot narkotika och Göteborgs stad inom trestadssatsningen. (Preventive social work in school), Göteborg: Göteborgs Stad, Social resursförvaltning. Andersson Björn (2006). Ungdomar och offentligt liv. Ute/Inne. Erdal B (eds) Uppsøkende sosialt arbeid med ungdom. (Youth and public life in Outside/Inside. Outreach social work with young people). Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AB. |