Name | Christian Reutlinger |
Affiliation | Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Head of the Research Institute of Social Work, senior lecturer in Social Education and Social Policy. FHS St.Gallen, University of Applied Sciences |
Profile | His works focus on the question why conventional spaces of participation (urban quarter houses, citizens’ centres, houses of neighbourhood associations, etc.) increasingly tumble into crisis or – to phrase it more carefully – only reach certain social groups. It seems that especially children and adolescents who are affected by social disadvantage lose chances for access through the applied participation concepts and their comprehensions of space. Their form of dedication lie in the invisibility (“invisible youth”). |
Publications | Reutlinger, Christian/Mack, Wolfgang/Wächter, Franziska/ Lang, Susanne (Hg.) (2007): Jugend und Jugendpolitik in benachteiligten Stadtteilen in Europa. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften Reutlinger, Christian/ Kniffki, Johannes (Hg.) (2013): Kinder- und Jugendprotagonismus. Grundzüge eines transnationalen Arbeits-/ Handlungsansatzes in der Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen. Berlin: Verlag Frank und Timme. Kniffki, Johannes/Reutlinger, Christian (eds.) (2013): Comunidad, transnacionalidad, trabajo social 1 : un triángulo empírico América Latina – Europa. Estudios Transnationales de Trabajo Social / 1. Madrid: Editorial Popular Reutlinger, Christian (2013): Professional Social Work in Divided Cities? In: ERIS Web Journal. Volume 4, Issue 1, S. 31–40 |
Previous projects | He has been involved in several EU-funded research projects in Italy, France, Spain and Germany – currently in the ALFA-III-programme RELETRAN (Red Europea – Latinoamericana de Trabajo Social Transnacional) with 12 participating countries (9 from Latin America, 3 from Europe). Policies in Public Space. A Comparative Analysis of Municipal Policies dealing with Contemporary Forms of Deviance. 2009-2012. Swiss National Science Foundation Scientific support of the ALFA-III-Programme RELETRAN: Red Latinoamericana – Europea de Trabajo Social Transnacional. Since 2012 Scientific support of the research project Interreg IV „Städte gestalten Zukunft“ [Cities shape the future]: „Konzepte der Partizipation und Integration von MigrantInnen“ [Concepts for the participation and integration of migrants], 2009-2010 |