Name | Harriet Rowley |
Affiliation | Lecturer in Education and Community, Faculty of Education, Manchester Metropolitan University. |
Profile | Harriet is an experienced qualitative researcher and teacher, working predominantly in low socio-economic status urban areas in the UK. She has extensive experience of participatory and action-based research methods, whilst she is skilled in creative and visual approaches. Harriet has particular expertise in working with young people who are classed as vulnerable or have a disability/special need label, who have found engaging in formal education systems problematic. She also has experience of conducting research with professionals who work to support these young people and their families. Harriet is knowledgeable in UK education and social policy whilst she has a keen interest in spatial theories of place and how this influences identity. Previously, Harriet was a secondary school teacher, youth worker and volunteer in various community-based formal and informal settings. |
Publications | Rowley, H. (Forthcoming) ‘A Case Study of a Community-Oriented School’ in A, Dyson. & D, Beach. (Eds) On Education Equity in England and Sweden. London: Tufnell Press. Rowley, H. (2014) Going Beyond Procedure: Engaging with the Ethical Complexities of Being an Embedded Researcher. Management in Education. 28(1) pp19-24 Rowley, H. (2014) ‘Navigating Research Partnerships as a Critical Secretary’ in H. M, Gunter. D, Hall. C, Mills. (Eds.) Education Policy Research: Design and Practice at a Time of Rapid Reform. London: Bloomsbury. Rowley, H. and Dyson, A. (2011) ‘Academies in the Public Interest – a Contradiction in Terms?’ in H. M, Gunter, (Ed) The State and Education Policy: The Academies Programme. London: Continuum. Rowley, H. (2010) ‘Promoting Student Voice in an Isolated Community in India’ in S, Miles. & M, Ainscow. (Eds.) Responding to Diversity in Schools: An Inquiry-Based Approach. London: Routledge. |