Name | Isabelle Danic |
Affiliation | Senior sociologist lecturer and researcher at University of Rennes 2, France. |
Profile | Dr Danic has contributed to European and National research projects on childhood and youth, on education and socialization, in a life course perspective, and on the spatial dimension of these phenomena (Danic I., David O., Depeau S. (dir), 2010, Enfants et jeunes dans les espaces du quotidien, (Children and youth in everyday spaces), Rennes, PUR ; Danic I., 2012, « The everyday occupation of space by teenagers in a deprived neighbourhood : conflict without mobilisation », Population , Space and Place, Volume 18, Issue 5, September/October 2012, pp. 659–668). She tests and improves appropriate methodologies for childs and young people (Danic I., Delalande J. & Rayou P. (2006): Enquêter auprès d’enfants et de jeunes (research into children and youth), Rennes: PUR). Fields of research: youth, childhood, education, socialization, family, school. |
Publications | Stauber B., Parreira M., Danic I., “Access and Accessibility: Understanding the Interactive Emergence of Educational Inequalities”, in Andreas Walther, Marcelo Parreira do Amaral, Morena Cuconato and Roger Dale (dir), Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe, Bloomsbury Publishing UK, 2016. · Danic I., « Les figures contemporaines du jeune enfant dans les répertoires des parents et des enseignants en France », in Hamelin-Brabant L. et Turmel A. (dir), Les figures de l’enfance : un regard sociologique, Québec, Presses Inter Universitaires, 2012. · Danic I., « L’image comme source de données relatives aux enfants (Photos and films as source of data about children)», Infanzia et societa, special issue of the Journal Childhood and Society, vol.2, p.56-63, 2006, n°1-2. |
Previous projects | . 2010-2013 GOETE : Gouvernance of educational trajectories in Europe. Financée par la commission européenne (FP7) . 2005-2008 MAGIE : Mobilisation des acteurs et gestion intégrée des espaces. Conseil Régional de Bretagne. |