Name | Ilaria Pitti |
Affiliation | Post-doc fellow at the University of Bologna. |
Profile | Ilaria has obtained her Ph.D. in Sociology in 2014 discussing a thesis on youth civic and political participation based on an intergenerational paradigm of analysis. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Sociology and Business Law of the University of Bologna, where she is studying work trajectories toward self-employment among youth. She has also collaborated with the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities at the Council of Europe as an expert on youth participation. |
Publications | Pitti I. (2015 – in print), “Re-discovering the local: exploring the role of local authorities in the promotion of youth civic and political engagement”, in Open Citizenship, vol.5. Martelli A., Pitti I. (2014), “Looking for adulthood: young people, citizenship and participation”, in SocietàMutamentoPolitica, vol. 5, n. 10, pp. 173-192. Cuconato M., Martelli A., Pitti I. (2014), Transizioni e processi decisionali tra passato, presente e futuro (Educational transitions and educational choices between past, present and future) in Cuconato M. (eds.), Il tempo delle medie. Esperienze, interazioni, passaggi, Carrocci Editore, Roma. Garzya M., Giustini C., Tolomelli A., Pitti I., Volturo S. (2013), Empowerment e partecipazione. La realtà bolognese come studio di caso. (Empowerment and participation. Bologna as a case study), Franco Angeli, Milano. |
Previous projects | Project “Socio-economic conditions, life-styles and expectations of the Forlì-Cesena district’s citizens” commissioned by the Province of Forlì-Cesena – research assistant (2009-2011). Researcher in the project “Participation and Empowerment. Bologna as a case study” (2012-2014). 7th FP project “GOETE – Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe” – Collaboration with the Bologna Unit for the realisation of the case studies in Bologna (2010-2014). Researcher in the thematic study on “Youth and Political Participation at the Local and European level” commissioned by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities (2014). |