Name | Marta Ilardo |
Affiliation | PhD Student at the University of Bologna |
Profile | Marta is Ph.D. candidate in Social Pedagogy and Philosophy of Education at the Department of Education Studies of the University of Bologna. In her dissertation, she is studing Hannah Arendt’s thought and the implications of key concepts such as evil, action and “vita activa” have for the “educational event” and, more generally, for the pedagogical reflection. Her principal theoretical questions are thus focused on the diffusion of violence in the human and educative experience. Other Experience: Since 2009 she is involved in the activities and the projects of the association Krila, a group of educator, actors, researchers and pedagogists working on the Theatre of the Oppresed.
Publications | Ilardo, Marta. “L’evento educativo: uno sguardo pedagogico al “pensiero indipendente” di Hannah Arendt” Studi sulla Formazione [Online], Volume 17 Numero 1 (6 novembre 2014).
Ilardo, Marta, books reviews of Vanna Iori, Daniele Bruzzone (a cura di), Le ombre dell’educazione. Ambivalenze, impliciti, paradossi, Franco Angeli, Milano 2015, Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica – Journal of Theories and Research in Education 10, 2 (2015).