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Where are we?

The Partispace project has completed its first 6 months!

During this period, partners have been working on the preparation of the national research.

In this preparatory phase, 10 country reports on formal, informal and non-formal forms of youth participation were produced. These reports provide an analytical description of national and local structures of youth policy, participation programmes, participation discourses, review existing research on youth participation in the countries and describe urban areas in which local case studies will be carried out.


These reports are based on statistical data and existing youth participation forms to embed further research steps into the different national contexts. Additionally, patterns of youth participation across Europe and European policy frameworks have been analysed to put the national contexts in relation to the overall European picture. The findings will serve to prepare the comparative report, highlighting national specific differences.

Research teams also finalised the production of a glossary with key concepts aimed at providing a shared conceptual framework for the PARTISPACE project across national boundaries.

To be continued…