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Tandem presentation at the EHESP

When young people take their difficulties as opportunities

Portrait of Tandem mentor for employment; a non-governmental organisation located in Rennes, France.

Tandem, mentor for the employment, was officially created in February 2014. It is a citizens’ response to the socio-professional difficulties of integration met by young graduates. Considered autonomous and sufficiently strong equipped to look for a job, they are however increasingly and often alone facing well-known problems related to unemployment. Continue reading

Forthcoming publication: participation of refugees?

Abstract “Non-Formal Spaces of Socio-Cultural Accompaniment: Responding to Young Unaccompanied Refugees: Reflections from the Partispace Project”

The so called “refugee crisis” hit Europe and the PARTISpace-countries became actors in the direct confrontation with (civil) wars, armed conflicts and poverty on a global dimension. The German (Frankfurt), Swedish (Gothenburg) and English (Manchester) teams decided to write an article about the ongoing discourse and its deposit in actual participatory activities on, with and for refugees – especially unaccompanied minor refugees. The following outlook comes from a perspective of the Frankfurt team and focuses on the incidents for, with and against refugees, but also frames the impact on the debate in Germany more specifically in Frankfurt. Continue reading

nuit debout rennes picture

Nuit Debout in Rennes

Nuit Debout was created by students in Rennes on April 5th 2016 after protests in Paris. Students first attempted to organize the Nuit Debout movement March 31st following the first protests in Paris, but the State prohibited public demonstrations in the historical city center. The State felt these prohibitions were justified as a result of clashes and vandalism that occurred during previous protests. Continue reading

Boosting participation of young people – by law?

Getting young people involved in local decision-making processes is one of the goals of the law regulating municipalities statutes in Germany. And as this law is within the competence of the regional governments each region – the Länder – has their own version of it. The regulations on youth participation however do not vary too much between the 16 “municipality laws” (“Gemeindeordnung” in German). They mostly consist of a lot of non-binding sentences like “local authorities should…” and “local authorities can…”. Continue reading

Picture of Gothenburg consortium meeting

3rd consortium meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden

From 25th to 28th April 2016, the 10 teams of the PARTISPACE project met in Gothenburg (Sweden) for the 3rd consortium meeting. Almost one year after the official start of the project, the objective was first to assess the progress of the research so far and to reflect and prepare the forthcoming steps of the project.

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Young people at the European Youth Event

EYE 2016

The European Youth Event (EYE) will take place in the European Parliament, Strasbourg from 20th to 21th MAY 2016.

7000 young people from all over Europe will be gathered for this event, an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas and perspectives on youth-related issues. Young people would also be able to meet European decision-makers and professionals, a structured dialogue that will give food for thought to a report.

How to increase and improve youth participation in decision-making? This question will be one of the topic discussed during the workshop session.