Janet Batsleer has been asked to write for a University ‘public engagement’ online magazine about the local findings from Partispace in the context of the recent terrorist attack in Manchester.
Suburban dreams: About youth, exclusion and the will to be included
Zulmir Becevic, PhD in Childhood Studies, lecturer and researcher at the Department of Social Work, University of Gothenburg will be co-authoring a book chapter in an antology on youth and urban exclusion, using Partispace data from the fieldwork in Gothenburg. Continue reading
New Forms of Solidarity Among and for Young People: An Ethnography of Youth Participation in Italy
Alessandro Martelli, Nicola Da Luigi and Ilaria Pitti have written a chapter based on the data collected within PARTISPACE entitled “New Forms of Solidarity Among and for Young People: An Ethnography of Youth Participation in Italy” for the book “Young People Re-Generating Politics in Times of Crises” edited by Sarah Pickard and Judith Bessant. The book will be out in July for Palgrave. Continue reading
Presentation at the 7th Congress of the French Association of Sociology
From 3th to 6th July 2017, at the University of Amiens (France), Céline Martin (Université de Cergy-Pontoise, EMA) will make a presentation entitled “Empowerment of young adults at what conditions” based on partial results from PARTISPACE project in the framework of the thematic session: «Power of young people, power on young people ».
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Presentation at the 14th Congress of the French Association of Political Sciences (AFSP)
From 10th to 12th July 2017 at the University of Montpellier (France) Patricia Loncle (EHESP, CRAPE/Arènes) and Céline Martin (Université de Cergy-Pontoise, EMA) will present partial findings from PARTISPACE research at the 14th Congress of the French Association of Political Sciences (AFSP).
Conferences hosted by the Journal Education and Ethnography
In June 2017, Porto (Portugal) and September 2017, Oxford (UK), Geoff Bright, Harriet Rowley and Janet Batsleer will be speaking at conferences hosted by the Journal Education and Ethnography.
Presentation at Senate House London: ‘Who Runs the World? Girls Leadership and Celebrity’
On 16th June 2017, Janet Batsleer and Grainne Mc Mahon will draw part on the findings of PARTISPACE to discuss ‘Girls,’Leaning In’ and Faux Empowerment’
British Sociological Association conference, 8th June 2017
On 8th June 2017, Leeds (UK), Harriet Rowley from the Manchester team will make a presentation titled “Researching youth in troubling times: mess, method and ethical puzzles”, forms of socio-accompaniment in participation and ethnography. Continue reading
Focus on action research: project in Rennes
Fabrique Plurielle is a recent association created in April 2017 by 5 young people. The aim is to host migrants in the department of “Ille et Vilaine” and to promote social ties through different forms, between migrants themselves and between migrants and inhabitants of the territory. Continue reading
Focus on action research: projects in Eskişehir
The PARTISPACE team in Turkey has conducted two action research projects with young people in Eskişehir. Continue reading